Wednesday, January 5, 2011


11 new resolutions for 2011 :D

1. relax one day a week.
enough of this "working everyday" bs. Even if I have homework, I am not allowing myself to bust my ass everyday and make myself crazy.

2. do something interesting to my hair
i already have a slight bang going on, but i want it more extreme.

3. buy new clothes
i think its about time to replace the ripped and stretched things that i own.

4. actually get a tattoo
if i get a tattoo in the winter, i'll be forced to cover it up instead of walking around in a bikini all day and getting it damaged.

5. save up money
i want to be able to do something this summer. so lets see if i can save some cash even though i only will be working one job this semester.

6. learn something that will actually benefit me.
like belly dancing or kung fu.

7. maintain my relationship with my boyfriend.

he's been one of my closest friends since I was a kid, so now lets see how it works when we're actually dating. i hope everything goes well =] because he's really amazing.

8. change how i eat, what i eat etc.
I have to get tested for celiac's disease, so lets change my diet. I'm not sure if I can cut out gluten all together, but let's at least cut out stuff i'm allergic to and stuff that i regret eating later...

9. buy a pair of pumps.
because every girl needs a new pair of heels, every year.

10. get organized.
i'm already creepily organized, but once i get busy, things get messy. let's prevent the messy part from happening.

11. do something amazing.
not sure what yet, but i'll figure it out.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

holy crap.

every now and then i wish i could yell at certain people what i really think about them.

"stop texting me at 2am. i'm asleep dammit. i don't want you that way. have you noticed i haven't responded to anything? god."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

oh hey. finals.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


i'm deleting this post.
it makes me mad.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Concerning my resolutions:

1. Keep smiling// somewhat fail
2. Go running at least twice a week// doing okay
3. Go out to manhattan one night a week and spend no more than 10$// a necessity
4. Keep the same hair color for as long as possible =p// getting there!
5. Produce the best work possible.// not much opportunity
6. Learn martial arts// not yet!
7. Don't spend as much time on campus as usual.// definitely keeping up with this one

1. everytime people see me, they say I look so serious. That's just my blank face.
2. I was doing this actually 3-4 times a week until I got sick, now I'm at once a week =[
3. I'm interning in Manhattan, so keeping it cheap is a necessity.
4. My hair's been dark brownish-black for a little over a month now! Success!
5. I haven't gotten many big assignments
6. No time!
7. When I am home, I'm relaxing. Life is too busy!


So much is going on these days! But Halloween provides an opportunity to let go a little. =]

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


A new semester is vastly approaching. I'm about to move into a new place. I want to bring good energy and positivity into my new place of living, and I want to start the new school year on a positive note.

I saw a wonderful frosted mini wheats commercial today, in which the little animated cereal guys were counting down as if it were a New Year's celebration rather than back to school. They were talking about resolutions. I think that's adorable!

My new semester resolutions:

1. Keep smiling
2. Go running at least twice a week
3. Go out to manhattan one night a week and spend no more than 10$
4. Keep the same hair color for as long as possible =p
5. Produce the best work possible.
6. Learn martial arts
7. Don't spend as much time on campus as usual.

I feel like these are all very necessary changes/enhancements to my life right now.

I bought paint for my new place, its a medium oatmeal color called "Wooden Peg".
ALSO just bought a pair of boots from, on sale! AND I had a coupon code...AND no taxes were charged!!! LIFE IS GOOD <3

my room WILL match these. =]

Monday, July 19, 2010

makes me wish i were a different major

the girls in this article have done something incredible. if you find yourself randomly on my blog, take a second to read what i've linked to.

Lila Kerr and Lauren Theis , students at Rice University, have developed an invaluable tool for the world of health care. Using a simple salad spinner that most of us may have in our own kitchens, they've created a tool that utilizes centrifugal force to separate red blood cells and plasma from blood samples in about 20 minutes.

The invention requires no electricity and is relatively cheap to manufacture. It can process 30 blood samples at a time.

This device is especially essential to testing for anemia in patients of the third world. Anemia is one of the first diseases most doctors look for when diagnosing heavy medical issues within a patient. I get a full blood scan basically every six months, and anemia is always on the list.

Anemia often appears along with other more serious conditions such as HIV/AIDS, or other autoimmune disorders. Anemia results in lack of oxygen to vital organs and can do more damage when occurring next to other conditions. SO yes. I've also noticed that anemia is quite common among female patients...

imagine the impact this new device can have for the less fortunate peoples? Instead of having to send out blood samples to far away locations and losing valuable diagnosis time, the tests can be performed quickly, and in almost any situation.

I don't know about the rest of the random people that may read this, but I'm excited.

Also excited that the girls (GIRLS!) who invented this were my age when they built it.